Dutch Juggling Convention 2025


The Dutch Juggling Convention - also known as the NJF - of 2025 will take place during the extended Ascension day weekend, from Thursday the 29th of May till Sunday the 1st of June. This time the convention will take place in the province Noord-Brabant, in the south of the Netherlands. More info will follow soon.

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Wat is the NJF?

What actually is the Dutch Juggling Convention (NJF)? Good question! Ever since 1990 people join together in the Netherlands for their common interest in juggling and other circus diciplines. The NJF is a 4-day festival filled with learning new tricks, playing games, watching shows, good parties, and making friends. Every year the festival takes places during the extended Ascension day weekend. The location, theme, and organisation team is different every year.