Dutch Juggling Convention 2025

About the team

The NJF is organized at a different location each year. The organized team also changes each year. Below, the 2025 team introduces itself.

Sanne Scheffers - Chairman

When I was fourteen, I met a girl at summer camp who did circus. I was so fascinated by this that I wanted to join youth circus myself. So it is no surprise what my choice was when my father wanted me to take up a sport. Already after the first trial lesson I was sold and since then I have never stopped doing circus.

Although I am not a juggler, as an acrobat I also always feel at home at Juggling Festivals. Because of the open atmosphere, there is also plenty of room for me to train and meet new people.

Joris Laurenssen - Treasurer

I started juggling as a student, after I was invited to join the 2013 NJF in Houten. Since then, juggling has become a big hobby, and I have gone to many dozens of juggling conventions in the Netherlands and Europe. Thanks to friends I met through these conventions I also started unicycling. On my unicycle I can now regularly be found on local mountain bike trails, and have made trips in the Swiss Alps and the Scottish Highlands, among other places.

Tessa Buurmans - Secretary

I was 11 when I was first introduced to circus through my elementary school. Not long after, I enrolled in the youth circus in Etten-Leur. That's where my passion for juggling and related disciplines was born, juggling and unicycling being my favorite parts. I still train weekly with great pleasure!

At the festivals I was often a day visitor. My first full festival was only the 2018 NJF in Amersfoort. However, there I found out that the experience is totally different when you are there for the whole weekend. So since then, I have been coming to festivals more often. I look forward to putting down a fun edition of the NJF this year with this team.

Judith Both - Board Member

When I was in 8th grade, the diabolo was a thing of craze at my elementary school. Later, when my sister started playing with the diabolo, I started doing the same. I enjoyed practicing the diabolo so much that I didn't stop doing it after the fad. A few months later I bought my first professional diabolos at the circus store in Rotterdam. This circus store informed me that there was a Juggling Festival, called the NJF, in Vlaardingen this year (2010). I went there and since then I visit all kinds of Juggling Festivals mainly in the Netherlands, but also the rest of Europe.

Sander Vanpraet - Board Member

I started juggling at the age of ten. Because I juggled so much at home, my parents signed me up for a circus camp. Since then, juggling has been one of my biggest hobbies. So a few years later I started joining circus club Giraffe. This club organized an annual juggling day. So I attended my first juggling festival. I liked it so much that I started visiting more and more festivals. First within the Benelux, but later also in the rest of Europe.

After visiting many festivals, in 2012 I organized for the first time a Juggling Convention in Kortrijk. Meanwhile, I have already organized seven editions of the Skjeve Convention. All this knowledge comes in handy when organizing the Dutch Juggling Convention.